
JV Contact allows you to create a contact module, through which front end user can find the contact info, send messages to the staff. You can also custom the module easily in backend, or insert reCatpcha to limit spamers.

JV Contact also supports a google map that show where your address is on the map, as well as social sharing on Face Book, Twitter, etc.

Let find jv contact on frontend:

As you can see on the frontend, it's too easy to find jv contact:

And the full view of Jv Contact on the frontend:

In the backend, please find module contact by follow those steps:

In the administrator, please go to Extension >> Modules. In the field "Select Type" on the left page, please choose JV Contact:

Then, if you want to edit the content of JV Contact, you just click on the article - then modify/enable or anything you want:

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