Part of our vision and aim at Smili SA is the sense of responsibility to the society and the environment. For this reason, the Company in every project it undertakes, comes in direct contact with the local community and strengthens it with local actions, such as educational, sports related or environmental. The Company's strategy towards sustainability in the community, the environment and the economy, is a collective responsibility that requires the implementing of synergies that enable us evolve creatively. Thus, we have materialised a wide range of actions worth over € 50000 as of 2019 in key areas of the society and the environment. Other milestones of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are the certifications we have obtained aiming at our environmental and social performance.
Regarding Climate Change and Environmental Protection, Smili SA, recognizing that corporate development and technical projects must go hand-in-hand with the protection of the natural environment, respects and complies with all legal rules and requirements related to its function. Additionaly, where is possible, we use environmentally friendly materials and products, aiming to reduce the energy and environmental footprint across the life cycle of a project. #zeroenergybuildings Finally, the Company supports initiatives that go hand-in-hand with its vision for safe and clean environment, reinforcing the usage of electric mobility (#emobility) and the use of bicycles for traffic decongestion. The projects we choose to undertake are aimed at tackling global environmental problems, such as water scarcity, but also at building infrastructure that will support new and green practices (e.g. sustainable buildings) #breeam.
Our policy is to constantly evolve in order to achieve better environmental performance.
Aiming to develop local communities and society as a whole, our actions focus on:
- Improve quality of life by building infrastructure.
- Promote and preserve local culture and physical scenery.
- Offer jobs through economic activities.
- Assist lifelong learning and social skills education, by contributing financial, technical and other resources.
- Support of entrepreneurship through social investments and financial strengthening.
- Enhance sportsmanship and health by financial support of events and associations.
#sustainability #climatechange #environment #corporateresponsibility